Inicio Blogs Ángel Hidalgo The other day I looked at the Whoop and it showed 0.1...
Ángel Hidalgo tells us in his blog about a small setback in the form of an intervention

The other day I looked at the Whoop and it showed 0.1 stress level

Ángel Hidalgo, durante el Estrella Damm Andalucía Masters 2024. (Photo by Jose Manuel Alvarez Rey/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Ángel Hidalgo, durante el Estrella Damm Andalucía Masters 2024. (Photo by Jose Manuel Alvarez Rey/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
I have watched the entire Harry Potter saga again, La casa de papel has fallen once more, and I recommend Asalto al banco Central, Clanes, and Hasta el cielo. Yes, as you may have noticed, I love Spanish cinema, especially comedy, and lately, I've had a looooooot of free tim
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