Inicio The Open Championship 2024 Diary of a caddy named GFC I was approaching the players and they thought I was going to...
First chapter of the caddie diary Gonzalo Fernández Castaño at the Open Championship

I was approaching the players and they thought I was going to ask them for money

Gonzalo Fernández Castaño y Luis Masaveu, tras la primera jornada de prácticas en Troon.
Gonzalo Fernández Castaño y Luis Masaveu, tras la primera jornada de prácticas en Troon. © Ten Golf
Even the oldest locals don't remember the last time I worked as a caddie in a professional tournament. I think it was with Juan Vizcaya and I must have been in school... I did this year in an amateur one with Luis Masaveu at the International of Portugal. I carried his bag f
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