Inicio Majors Evian Championship Ayaka Furue wins her first Major with a movie-like ending
The Japanese golfer beats Kyriacou and Tavatanakit with a score of five under in the last five holes.

Ayaka Furue wins her first Major with a movie-like ending

Ayaka Furue recibe la felicitación de sus compañeras japonesas tras ganar el Evian.
Ayaka Furue recibe la felicitación de sus compañeras japonesas tras ganar el Evian.
Ayaka Furue (-19) has conquered this Sunday the first Major of her career after imposing herself in a movie-like ending against the Australian Stephanie Kyriacou (-18) and the Thai Patty Tavatanakit (-17) at the Evian Championship. The 24-year-old Japanese golfer, born in Ko
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