Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour Ángel dodges Murphy when all seemed lost…
The round with the captain, the height of heights for Rafa, and the amateur who praises Ballester

Ángel dodges Murphy when all seemed lost…

Ángel Hidalgo pega su segundo golpe en el hoyo 14 del Hero Dubai Desert Classic. (Photo by Richard Heathcote/Getty Images)
Ángel Hidalgo pega su segundo golpe en el hoyo 14 del Hero Dubai Desert Classic. (Photo by Richard Heathcote/Getty Images)
– Murphy's Law states that "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, or worse." You know, if you drop your toast on the floor, it will always land butter side down. Ángel Hidalgo was living his own Murphy's Law before playing the first round of his career with captain L
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