Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour Cantero works magic, signs the best record and puts victory within reach
Laurie Canter and Guido Migliozzi lead the European Open after the third day

Cantero works magic, signs the best record and puts victory within reach

Iván Cantero on the 1st tee during round three of the European Open. © Golffile | Fran Caffrey
Iván Cantero on the 1st tee during round three of the European Open. © Golffile | Fran Caffrey
Laurie Canter (-12) and Guido Migliozzi (-12) are the two leaders of the European Open after the third day. The leadership has not moved much, or rather not at all, as Canter started today with -12 as the outstanding leader. That's the thing about this course: good rounds ar
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