Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour Never before seen in the Team Cup… nor in the Seve Trophy
Historical thrashing of Great Britain and Ireland against Continental Europe with the singles still to come

Never before seen in the Team Cup… nor in the Seve Trophy

Matthew Jordan celebra su putt de birdie en el hoyo 16 en la tarde de foursomes. (Photo by Kate McShane/Getty Images)
Matthew Jordan celebra su putt de birdie en el hoyo 16 en la tarde de foursomes. (Photo by Kate McShane/Getty Images)
– How paradoxical and whimsical sport can be. Continental Europe is currently enduring the biggest thrashing in history in the Team Cup (and Seve Trophy), and yet the rookie most likely to make it to the Ryder Cup at Bethpage is the Frenchman Matthieu Pavon, the only basti
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