Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour One of those well-founded intuitions by Nacho Elvira
The Cantabrian felt it, science corroborated it, and he has put it into action at Leopard Creek

One of those well-founded intuitions by Nacho Elvira

Nacho Elvira mira atento su bola después de un golpe en Leopard Creek. (© Golffile | Thos Caffrey)
Nacho Elvira mira atento su bola después de un golpe en Leopard Creek. (© Golffile | Thos Caffrey)
Everything started with an intuition. Like many things in golf and the life of Nacho Elvira. The Cantabrian almost always moves by feeling, by a certain something that seems like it might work, so why not try it. That's how he presented it to his caddie, David Morago, the on
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