Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour The dream, the song of Fangoria and a look at the sky
We spoke with David Morago, caddie for Nacho Elvira, a few hours after winning the Soudal Open.

The dream, the song of Fangoria and a look at the sky

David Morago y Nacho Elvira preparan un golpe en la última ronda del Soudal Open.
David Morago y Nacho Elvira preparan un golpe en la última ronda del Soudal Open. (© Golffile | Thos Caffrey)
Before heading out to play the final round on Sunday, David Morago had already won the Soudal Open. He had dreamt about it the night before. "It was a strange feeling, but very real. In a way, it gave me peace of mind, it was as if I had already lived it," he assures from Ha
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