Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour The extra prize that only Ayora and three others can win in...
In the same situation as the Andalusian are John Parry, Van Velzen and Kinhult

The extra prize that only Ayora and three others can win in Mauritius

Ángel Ayora, durante la última jornada del Alfred Dunhill Championship. (Photo by Warren Little/Getty Images)
Ángel Ayora, durante la última jornada del Alfred Dunhill Championship. (Photo by Warren Little/Getty Images)
Awaiting the DP World Tour to kindly include Ángel Ayora in the rankings for the European team of the Ryder Cup, an X-file that remains without official explanation, the Malagueño continues with his own business, that is, climbing in the rest of the classifications. In the
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