Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour Triple somersault with twist by Otaegui at the Volvo China Open
Achieves his fifth victory in the DP World Tour and enters the PGA Championship

Triple somersault with twist by Otaegui at the Volvo China Open

Adrián Otaegui posa con el trofeo de campeón y la tradicional chaqueta amarilla del Volvo China Open.
Adrián Otaegui posa con el trofeo de campeón y la tradicional chaqueta amarilla del Volvo China Open.
Adrián Otaegui (-18) has conquered this Sunday the Volvo China Open. It's his fifth victory on the DP World Tour. All are important, but it's undeniable that some have more value than others. Today's at the Hidden Grace Golf Club in Shenzhen is worth its weight in gold. It'
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