Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour With Larrazábal in the mix, the ambitious challenge of the treble should...
Laurie Canter leads the European Open after the second day at Green Eagle Courses

With Larrazábal in the mix, the ambitious challenge of the treble should not be ruled out…

Pablo Larrazábal on the tee during round two of the European Open. © Golffile | Fran Caffrey
Pablo Larrazábal on the tee during round two of the European Open. © Golffile | Fran Caffrey
Today, Friday, the second day of the European Open, it was Laurie Canter (-12) who got the measure of the long and complicated North course of the Green Eagle Courses (Hamburg, Germany) and put some distance between himself and the rest. If on Thursday it was the German De B
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