Inicio Main Tours First time since the 1998 PGA that no Spaniard makes the cut...
Adrián Otaegui was left at the gates in Valhalla with a painful bogey on the 17th

First time since the 1998 PGA that no Spaniard makes the cut in a Major

Adrián Otaegui pega su tercer tiro en el hoyo 18 este sábado en el PGA Championship.
Adrián Otaegui pega su tercer tiro en el hoyo 18 este sábado en el PGA Championship. © Mateo Villalba | CAPTURA SPORT
Adrián Otaegui (PAR) missed the cut at the PGA Championship following the resumption this Saturday of the second round suspended yesterday due to lack of light. The Basque golfer had three holes and one putt left to play. He needed a one-under-par partial to get into the we
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