Inicio Main Tours How will the change in the handicap in Spain, which comes into...
this Monday a change comes into effect that affects the handicap of thousands of amateur golfers

How will the change in the handicap in Spain, which comes into effect this Monday, affect?

Un golfista caliente antes de salir a jugar este viernes en el AfrAsia Bank Mauritius Open.
Un golfista caliente antes de salir a jugar este viernes en el AfrAsia Bank Mauritius Open. (© Golffile | Thos Caffrey)
News in the handicap scoring system. Appendix Z disappears. Sounds like the "X-Files" of golf. Readers may wonder what Appendix Z is. Understandable. It was an exception present only in Europe, whereby, within a certain handicap range, the score could only go down, but ne
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