Inicio Main Tours Rahm was not at Pinehurst this Monday and he will not play...
He is recovering from the infection in his left foot with the aim of being ready on Thursday.

Rahm was not at Pinehurst this Monday and he will not play on Tuesday either

El aparcamiento vacío de Jon Rahm este lunes a la espalda de la casa club de Pinehurst. © Ten Golf
El aparcamiento vacío de Jon Rahm este lunes a la espalda de la casa club de Pinehurst. © Ten Golf
Jon Rahm has an exclusive parking spot at Pinehurst. It's at the back of the imposing clubhouse of the North Carolina resort. It's only for a privileged few who have earned this preference with the sweat of their brow. To his right parks Matthew Fitzpatrick and to his left B
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