Inicio Main Tours Korn Ferry Tour Discovering the latest Mr. 57: a ‘swing à la Furyk’
Samuel del Val and Azahara Muñoz reveal to us what Cristóbal del Solar is like after his historic round in Bogotá.

Discovering the latest Mr. 57: a ‘swing à la Furyk’

Cristóbal del Solar posa con la tarjeta de 57 golpes firmada este jueves en Colombia.
Cristóbal del Solar posa con la tarjeta de 57 golpes firmada este jueves en Colombia. (Photo by Hector Vivas/Getty Images)
Cristóbal del Solar earned himself the front page of all the world's golf media this Thursday. And rightly so. His round of 57 strokes, thirteen under par, in the first round of the Astara Golf Championship (Korn Ferry Tour), deserved it. A historic scorecard. Something lik
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