Inicio Main Tours Ladies European Tour Knockout victory for Tamburlini and best result for Luna Sobrón in three...
Final report of the Joburg Open from the Ladies European Tour

Knockout victory for Tamburlini and best result for Luna Sobrón in three and a half years

Chiara Tamburlini posa con el trofeo de campeona del Joburg Open. © LET
Chiara Tamburlini posa con el trofeo de campeona del Joburg Open. © LET
Chiara Tamburlini (-17) has made her debut in the Ladies European Tour very soon and in a big way. The 24-year-old Swiss golfer won the Joburg Open this Sunday, held at the Modderfontein Golf Club in Johannesburg. She achieved this in her rookie year, just on her seventh att
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