Inicio Main Tours LIV Golf Chacarra, assaulting the coveted (and mandatory) top 24 of LIV Golf

Chacarra, assaulting the coveted (and mandatory) top 24 of LIV Golf

Eugenio Chacarra on the 10th hole of Valderrama during the second round of the LIV Golf Andalucía. © Jon Ferrey/LIV Golf
Eugenio Chacarra on the 10th hole of Valderrama during the second round of the LIV Golf Andalucía. © Jon Ferrey/LIV Golf
Eugenio Chacarra (-2) didn't win today's match against Valderrama (round of 72 strokes, one more on the day), but the damage is repairable, among other things because the Madrid player is still in the fight for victory with the last round to go and, of course, with the permi
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