Inicio Main Tours LIV Golf Rahm has something to say about Rory McIlroy’s 18th putt at the...
The golfer from Barrika confirms in Nashville that he will play this week

Rahm has something to say about Rory McIlroy’s 18th putt at the US Open

Rory McIlroy lamenta el error en uno putt en la ronda final del US Open.
Rory McIlroy lamenta el error en uno putt en la ronda final del US Open. (Kathryn Riley/USGA)
Jon Rahm was the first player to speak to the media at the LIV Golf in Nashville, the ninth stop of the Saudi circuit season. The first thing the golfer from Barrika did was confirm the news advanced by TenGolf this Tuesday. He's going to play. The evolution of the infection
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