Inicio Main Tours LIV Golf Sergio, of course, it had to be in Valderrama
The Spaniard achieves the first victory in LIV Golf with a vertiginous comeback and anguish

Sergio, of course, it had to be in Valderrama

Sergio García levanta el trofeo al público de Valderrama tras ganar el LIV Golf Andalucía.
Sergio García levanta el trofeo al público de Valderrama tras ganar el LIV Golf Andalucía. (Photo by Mateo Villalba/LIV Golf)
The King has returned. Sergio García has won the LIV Golf Andalucía. It had to be in Valderrama. It had to be suffering. That's Sergio García. A third of his victories have come in a playoff. He won on the second playoff hole against Anirban Lahiri, after an exciting and
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