Inicio Main Tours LIV Golf The paradox of Bryson, the Dory factor and the US Open-Valderrama connection
The US Open champion can win in Valderrama although he will need a great round of golf

The paradox of Bryson, the Dory factor and the US Open-Valderrama connection

Bryson DeChambeau saluda al público de Valderrama este sábado en la segunda ronda de LIV Golf Andalucía.
Bryson DeChambeau saluda al público de Valderrama este sábado en la segunda ronda de LIV Golf Andalucía. (Photo by Chris Trotman/LIV Golf)
Bryson DeChambeau, recent champion of the US Open at Pinehurst, goes out this Sunday with a remote chance of victory at the LIV Golf Andalucía. He is in sixth position, six strokes behind Anirban Lahiri, leader and his partner at the Crushers. DeChambeau knows he needs to p
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