Inicio Main Tours LIV Golf Valderrama, the toughest golf test in the history of LIV Golf

Valderrama, the toughest golf test in the history of LIV Golf

Tyrrell Hatton on the 4th hole of Valderrama during the LIV Golf Andalucía 2024. © Charles Laberge/LIV Golf
Tyrrell Hatton on the 4th hole of Valderrama during the LIV Golf Andalucía 2024. © Charles Laberge/LIV Golf
Valderrama has delivered its verdict in this 2024 edition of the LIV Andalucía as the tough golf test it has always been: the winning result with which Sergio García and Anirban Lahiri have gone out to play the tiebreaker, an accumulated -5, has been the most demanding in
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