Inicio Main Tours LPGA Tour The advice of Koepka and another year causing a stir (at least)
Azahara Muñoz's blog after regaining the LPGA Tour card through Q-School

The advice of Koepka and another year causing a stir (at least)

Azahara Muñoz, esta semana durante la Final de la Escuela del LPGA Tour. © LPGA
Azahara Muñoz, esta semana durante la Final de la Escuela del LPGA Tour. © LPGA
There are nine hours by car, maybe a bit more, from Mobile, Alabama, the home of the LPGA Tour Q-School Finals, to my house in Florida. It's more than enough time to reflect on what has happened this year and, above all, what has happened in these last few days. Q-School is
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