Inicio Main Tours Otaegui, one metre and three holes away from making the cut at...
Spanish is the only bullet left for the Armada to avoid being left with zero in this PGA Championship

Otaegui, one metre and three holes away from making the cut at Valhalla

Adrián Otaegui, durante el PGA Championship en Valhalla.
Adrián Otaegui, durante el PGA Championship en Valhalla. (Photo by Mateo Villalba/CAPTURASPORT)
The last thing Adrián Otaegui (PAR) did this Friday at the PGA Championship was to hit a great shot at hole 15. He had just over 150 meters to the flag and left it one meter away for a birdie. Sublime. He didn't even want to take the putt. The suspension horn for lack of li
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