Inicio Main Tours PGA Tour The beastly paradoxes Schauffele battles with in his day-to-day life
In the preview of the Sentry, he talks about his rivalry with Scheffler and the improvements he needs in his swing

The beastly paradoxes Schauffele battles with in his day-to-day life

Xander Schauffele, en la ronda de prácticas en el Sentry Tournament con el nuevo driver Elyte de Callaway. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)
Xander Schauffele, en la ronda de prácticas en el Sentry Tournament con el nuevo driver Elyte de Callaway. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)
In the two months I've been out of competition, I've taken the opportunity to review some numbers. It turns out that last year I won two Majors and in the world ranking, I'm closer to Number 30 than to Number One. And on top of that, after a period of inactivity, he goes and
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