Inicio Main Tours Scottie “relentless” Scheffler is on everyone’s lips
Scheffler's colleagues heap praise on the World Number One

Scottie “relentless” Scheffler is on everyone’s lips

Scottie Scheffler walks on the 8th hole at Pinehurst No. 2 during Tuesday's practice round. (Logan Whitton/USGA)
Scottie Scheffler walks on the 8th hole at Pinehurst No. 2 during Tuesday's practice round. (Logan Whitton/USGA)
Scottie Scheffler is at the centre of all eyes. Logical. Five victories this season endorse him as the main candidate for the US Open 2024 which starts tomorrow Thursday. First Scheffler and then the rest. Beyond speculations and favourites, the clamour around the figure
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