Inicio Main Tours Sergio García withdraws from the Olympic race by his own decision
David Puig and Chacarra are the only ones who would have options to surpass Jorge Campillo

Sergio García withdraws from the Olympic race by his own decision

Sergio García lamenta la opción de birdie que se le escapó en el hoyo 18 en su primera ronda en el US Open.
Sergio García lamenta la opción de birdie que se le escapó en el hoyo 18 en su primera ronda en el US Open. (Jeff Haynes/USGA)
This Sunday, at the end of the US Open at Pinehurst, the men's golf qualification period for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games will end and we will know the names of the two players who will represent our country. Well, one is already clear. It is Jon Rahm, who is qualified no ma
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