Inicio Main Tours The secret behind the shot that decided the US Open
DeChambeau reveals the conversation with his caddie and the key to the bunker shot on the 18th

The secret behind the shot that decided the US Open

Bryson DeChambeau jokes with photographers by raking the bunker from where he hit the final shot of the US Open. (Jeff Haynes/USGA)
Bryson DeChambeau jokes with photographers by raking the bunker from where he hit the final shot of the US Open. (Jeff Haynes/USGA)
Bryson DeChambeau's aim was not to end up in the short bunker of hole 18. When he hits the second shot from the bushes on the left of the fairway, close to a root and under some branches of a tree that prevented him from making the full swing, his intention was to take the b
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