Inicio Main Tours Wyndham Clark’s head explodes
Clark is amazed by the condition of the greens at Pinehurst No. 2 and makes mental self-criticism

Wyndham Clark’s head explodes

Wyndham Clark strolls across the 15th green during a practice round ahead of the 2024 U.S. Open at Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2) in Village of Pinehurst, N.C. on Monday, June 10, 2024. (Kathryn Riley/USGA)
The defending champion of the US Open could have said it louder, but not clearer: "I'm impressed by how fast the greens are". Monday, we are on a practice Monday and Wyndham Clark is already shouting from the rooftops: "the greens are already at the limit", and one of the gr
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