Inicio KPMG Women’s PGA Championship KPMG Women's PGA Championship 2024 Amy Yang, in the name of the empire… and her own
Report on the third day of the KMPG Women's PGA Championship

Amy Yang, in the name of the empire… and her own

Amy Yang, líder del KPMG Women's PGA Championship a falta de 18 hoyos.
Amy Yang, líder del KPMG Women's PGA Championship a falta de 18 hoyos. (Photo by Scott Taetsch/PGA of America)
Not too long ago, it wasn't even news that a Korean was leading a women's Major with 18 holes to go. In fact, in the 21st century, at times saying or writing something like this has been almost a given. From the first Major of the year 2000, the then-called Nabisco Champion
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