Inicio KPMG Women’s PGA Championship KPMG Women's PGA Championship 2024 Everything you need to know about the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship 2024
It takes place this week at the Sahalee Country Club with the presence of Carlota Ciganda and Azahara Muñoz

Everything you need to know about the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship 2024

Imagen del green del hoyo 5 del Shalaee Country Club, sede del KPMG Women's PGA Championship.
Imagen del green del hoyo 5 del Shalaee Country Club, sede del KPMG Women's PGA Championship.
– The 70th edition of the KPMG Women's PGA Championship, the second oldest Major in women's golf behind the US Open, kicks off this Thursday. The first edition took place in 1955 and was won by Beverly Hanson. It was the only one decided in match play format. She defeated
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