Inicio Main Tours Challenge Tour One more victory for Seve and a ‘tee time’ with a lot...
A curious backstory of Ángel Ayora's first victory on the Challenge Tour

One more victory for Seve and a ‘tee time’ with a lot of substance in Switzerland

Ángel Ayora posa con el trofeo de campeón del Rosa Challenge Tour y la ropa Seve Collection.
Ángel Ayora posa con el trofeo de campeón del Rosa Challenge Tour y la ropa Seve Collection. (Photo by Octavio Passos/Getty Images)
The victory of Ángel Ayora in the Rosa Challenge Tour in Poland last Sunday will forever be remembered for two reasons. First, obviously, because it was the first as a professional golfer for the Marbella native. The second because it was also the first for Seve Collection,
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