Inicio Main Tours Challenge Tour The art of hitting a driver as if it were a 5...
Ángel Ayora hits the shot of the day, signs 69 strokes and continues up in the SDC Open

The art of hitting a driver as if it were a 5 iron

Ángel Ayora pega el drive de salida en el Acciona Open de España 2023.
Ángel Ayora. (© Golffile | Thos Caffrey)
Hole 12 of the Zebula Estates Golf Club. Par 4 of 326 meters. Second day of the SDC Open. First tournament of the year of the Challenge Tour. On the tee, Ángel Ayora. He doesn't hesitate. He grabs the driver and aims for the flag. Bomb goes. Majestic shot. The ball bounces
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