Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour Ángel Ayora has the Ryder Cup… of New York in his sights
The Andalusian tells Ten Golf about his feelings and ambitions after his debut in Australia and Mauritius

Ángel Ayora has the Ryder Cup… of New York in his sights

Ángel Ayora
Ángel Ayora, en el último torneo del DP World Tour en Mauricio. (© Golffile | Thos Caffrey)
If you're going to dream, dream big. Ángel Ayora is clear about that. At 19 years old, this Marbella native, raised in the wonderful factory of La Cañada, aims for the top. Birdies, talent and ambition fall from his pockets. And he has a very well-furnished head. Little ba
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