Inicio Main Tours DP World Tour The putter of Campillo recovers its vital signs and jumps on the...
Three Spaniards in the top 11 after the second round of the Bahrain Championship

The putter of Campillo recovers its vital signs and jumps on the bandwagon

Jorge Campillo pega un golpe de salida en el Bahrain Championship.
Jorge Campillo pega un golpe de salida en el Bahrain Championship. (Photo by Warren Little/Getty Images)
Jorge Campillo (-8) has been the latest to join the Armada festival at the Bapco Energies Bahrain Championship. One more. That's two consecutive weeks. Three Spaniards are in the top 11 of the tournament with 36 holes to go. Pablo Larrazábal (-10) and Iván Cantero (-7) had
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