Inicio Main Tours It’s not going to happen, but just in case…
Grass level of the second day of the US Open 2024

It’s not going to happen, but just in case…

Brooks Koepka hits a shot from the trees on the 5th hole at Pinehurst during the second day of the 2024 US Open. (Logan Whitton/USGA)
Brooks Koepka hits a shot from the trees on the 5th hole at Pinehurst during the second day of the 2024 US Open. (Logan Whitton/USGA)
- It's not going to happen, but just in case: the time, era or day when the Majors even begin to consider the possibility of eliminating the cut from their tournaments will probably coincide with the time, era or day when a fool understands that it's time to cover golf cours
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