Inicio Main Tours Upon arriving home on Friday night, Scheffler realised that he had not...
He is scheduled to play the Charles Schwab at Colonial this week unless the justice says otherwise.

Upon arriving home on Friday night, Scheffler realised that he had not eaten all day…

Scottie Scheffler, during the fourth day of the PGA Championship in Valhalla. © Mateo Villalba | SPORT CAPTURE
Scottie Scheffler, during the fourth day of the PGA Championship in Valhalla. © Mateo Villalba | SPORT CAPTURE
Scottie Scheffler does not play the victim or make excuses. Everyone wonders what would have happened if he had not suffered the police incident on Friday that ended with him in jail. It's not a joke to think that he would have been fighting for the win. However, Scheffler d
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