Inicio The Chevron Championship The Chevron Championship 2024 Nelly Korda, what a hand
Victory for the North American at the Chevron Championship, the fifth in a row

Nelly Korda, what a hand

Nelly Korda posa con el trofeo de campeona del Chevron y con el cinco en referencia a sus victorias consecutivas.
Nelly Korda posa con el trofeo de campeona del Chevron y con el cinco en referencia a sus victorias consecutivas.
Nelly Korda (-13) has done it again. She has won again. That's five victories in 2024. Five in a row. And the latest one was today in a Major, the first of the season, the Chevron Championship. What this player is doing is already against common sense and logic. It's an abso
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