Diary of a caddy named GFC
Even the oldest locals don't remember the last time I worked as a caddie in a professional tournament. I think it was with Juan Vizcaya and I must have been in school... I did this year in an amateur …
Gonzalo Fernández-Castaño
Hi everyone. I’m writing to you from the up in the air, destination Cleveland, Ohio, where I’ll play in the first of four tournaments that make up the Web.comTour Finals. And I say we will…
Gonzalo Fernández-Castaño
Hi Everyone. I’m writing on my way to Brazil where I’ll begin a series of five weeks in a row of competition. The first two weeks will be in the Web.com Tour in Sao Paolo and Cartagena de…
Gonzalo Fernández-Castaño
Hi everyone. I’ve finally finished the last post of the year. The year 2015 is coming to end, which for me has been, without a doubt, the worst season of my professional career. A season which…
Gonzalo Fernández-Castaño
I’ve been at home for two weeks now and the most repeated phrase is: "Dad, are you leaving for a tournament soon?" And it’s because nobody is used to seeing me for so long at a time around here.…
Gonzalo Fernández-Castaño
They say golfers reach their prime in their thirties. Today I’ve reached the epicenter (I’m turning 35 years old) and the truth is that I had something else in mind. I never thought that my…
Gonzalo Fernández-Castaño
Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since my last post, although you’ve probably already noticed, there hasn’t been much to tell as far as golf goes. Without a doubt one of the worst starts of a …
Gonzalo Fernández-Castaño
Hi everyone! Vacation is over, time to get back to the grind. The first stop of a three-week streak of tournaments is the Humana Challenge in Palm Springs, California. And it's incredible how fast…
Gonzalo Fernández-Castaño
Hello everyone, First of all, forgive me for taking so long to update the blog, this week has been my first week off since the end of June. There were nine weeks in a row of competitions and…